Chris Shelton
UK - Leeds / London / Remote
Software Engineer
Pen and paper resting on a laptop with a cup of coffee on the side

Javascript Modules: Explained

Published on October 28, 2020



This post aims to introduce modules in Javascript, including why they are used and some of the the different formats available, and when to use them.

Modules are a fundamental building block of modern JavaScript application development, but I, like many others, felt I had some gaps in my understanding across the different formats, so I was keen to dig a bit deeper.

Modules in JavaScript

As with any programming language, we as developers are always after ways of writing our code in a clear, testable and maintainable way. Modules in JavaScript help us achieve this by allowing us to split our code into logical chunks, in separate files, and with a way to share these modules with one another to build out our application.

Since JavaScript can be written for both client and server-side applications, there are different things to take into account when dealing with modules, and it’s worth understanding these differences and how it affects the code you write.

Modules in Node (Server)

Node is built on the idea of modules, and anyone familiar with modern JavaScript application development will be familiar with the (in)famous node_modules folder. Node has had support of modules since it was introduced, making use of the CommonJS format to write files, and even entire libraries, which can be shared within or across applications.

Modules in the Browser (Client)

Until the introduction of ES Modules in ES2015 (ES6), modules were not supported in browsers in any format natively, and developers had to (and for the most part still do) rely on bundling tools like Webpack or Browserify, or use a client-side library like require.js, to make use of them.

But writing modular JavaScript still plays a fundamental role when building large-scale client-side applications, enabling dependencies of files to be declared explicitly per file, without worrying about the order in which scripts must be positioned in the HTML, and without the need for one huge file containing all of your code.

When JavaScript was not so dominant, and applications weren’t as feature rich, JavaScript was typically written across separate files, and if any of those files depended on another, like JQuery for example, they had to be declared in a specific order to work, which made for some frustrating errors.

Module Formats

There are different formats available for creating and using modules in JavaScript depending on your tooling available, and whether you’re developing for the browser or Node. What really sets these different module formats apart as a developer, really comes down to how you include dependencies in a file, and how you expose functionality from a file.

Being able to choose what to expose from a module is very important, helping us to encapsulate state and functionality within the module itself, without exposing everything to the outside world, or needing to pollute the global window object in the browser.

The most common formats, and those which I’ll be covering in detail here include:


The CommonJS format is arguably the most well known, even by those who don’t know it by name. This format is understood natively by Node, and so is used for building server-side JavaScript applications running in Node. It can be easily recognised by the use of the require and exports terms seen in the examples below.

The CommonJS format is not understood by the browser, and so cannot be used without additional tooling — I’ll come to that later. Executing a file in the browser which uses require will result in a console error reading Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined.

In this format, dependencies are included in module using the require keyword, whilst module.exports is used for declaring what we want to expose from the module to the outside world.

An example of a typical CommonJS module setup can be seen below:

// stringUtils.js

function toUpperCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toUpperCase() : input;

function toLowerCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toLowerCase() : input;

module.exports = {
// index.js

const stringUtils = require('./stringUtils');

stringUtils.toUpperCase('hello, world!');

Ignoring the trivial purpose of the functions themselves, the stringUtils.js module is exposing two functions through an object assigned to module.exports — a special keyword in CommonJS modules which is always available, and is used to expose functionality from a module. The index.js file simply uses the other special keyword — require — to declare that stringUtils is a dependency to be used.

Require statements in CommonJS are executed synchronously, one after another, which is fine for server-side execution, but is another reason why the format is unsuitable for browsers where performance is key.

When the value of module.exports is an object, it can also be de-structured on require as shown below — a common pattern to improve the readability of your dependencies.

// index.js

const { toLowerCase, toUpperCase } = require('./stringUtils');

toUpperCase('hello, world!');

That covers the basic usage of CommonJS modules, and is how they are mainly used today, but there are other ways of exporting and requiring, which makes them a bit more like ES Modules. If you’re intrigued, continue reading for a more in-depth look at CommonJS modules.

A Deeper Look into CommonJS Modules

Every CommonJS module in Node has the special keyword module available, along with a few others. module is an object with an exports property on it, set initially to an empty object. The value assigned to this module.exports property is what is exposed from the module.

There is also another way of exposing from a module, and that is by using another special keyword available — exports, as seen below.

// stringUtils.js

function toUpperCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toUpperCase() : input;

function toLowerCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toLowerCase() : input;

exports.toUpperCase = toUpperCase;
exports.toLowerCase = toLowerCase;

exports here is an object, but it is important to understand that for every module, it is set to equal the value of module.exports, and with how referencing works in JavaScript, making them equal means that they are pointing to the same object instance in memory, and modifications to one will be reflected in the other, and vice versa. This means the two definitions of stringUtils.js above are actually the same, since they are both adding the two functions to the module.exports object, just in slightly different ways.

The below snippet will hopefully explain this a little better, showing how you can think of a JavaScript module in Node:

// Credit:

const module = {
    exports: {}

const exports = module.exports;

// Your code here...

return module.exports;

Given it is the value of module.exports which is exposed from a module, and the typical approach is to return a new object rather than modifying the existing one, you must be careful when also using the exports keyword, as exports will no longer be pointing to the same module.exports object. In the example below, only the toLowerCase function will be available; toUpperCase has been lost since we changed the value of module.exports, and exports no longer points to it.

// stringUtils.js

function toUpperCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toUpperCase() : input;

function toLowerCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toLowerCase() : input;

exports.toUpperCase = toUpperCase;

module.exports = {

Convention is to use module.exports, assigning it to a new object, but it is worth knowing about this alternative approach and how it could cause you problems if used incorrectly.

Using CommonJS for Client-Side Development

As previously mentioned, the CommonJS module format is not understood by the browser, and using the keywords require and module.exports results in a console error. Since ES2015 (ES6), some browsers support modules natively, but in the ES Module format which I’ll be covering next.

If you’re wanting to write JavaScript using the CommonJS module format to be run in the browser, you will need to use a bundling tool like Webpack or Browserify. These tools will intelligently scan your code and output a single JavaScript file (bundle) which can be referenced in the HTML, and executed as normal by the browser. So really, the browser is unaware of the use of CommonJS modules, or that the code was originally made up of many different files in the first place.

ES Modules

ES2015 (ES6) introduced a module system to the ECMAScript standard, enabling modern browsers to understand modular JavaScript natively, without the need for bundling. ES Module syntax can easily be recognised by the import and export terms as shown in the upcoming examples.

Note: Though modern browsers can handle JavaScript modules natively using the ES Module format, it is worth pointing out that it is common practice to use the newer ES Module format for client-side JavaScript, whilst still using a module bundler like Webpack to bundle your assets into a single JS file. This is explained in more detail later.

When importing and exporting with ES Modules, you have a few options when compared to using CommonJS. There are two ways to export from a module — Named Exports and Default Export.

Default Export

The default export allows for a single value to be exported from a module, be that an object, function or primitive type, much like the way module.exports behaves in CommonJS:

// stringUtils.js

function toUpperCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toUpperCase() : input;

function toLowerCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toLowerCase() : input;

export default {

A default export can then be imported using using the syntax below. Note: There can be only one default export per module, and default exports cannot be de-structured on import due to a conflict with the syntax of importing a named export.

// index.js

import stringUtils from './stringUtils';

stringUtils.toUpperCase('hello, world!');

Named Export

Another approach is for modules to export its members through named exports, where each member is exported using a separate export statement, providing a name for how that member should be imported:

// stringUtils.js

export function toUpperCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toUpperCase() : input;

export function toLowerCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toLowerCase() : input;

These members can then be imported using various techniques as shown below. Note: Trying to import using import stringUtils from... will not work when only named exports are being used, as this syntax is reserved for importing a default export only.

Named Imports

Individual exports can be optionally imported into the module using object de-structuring syntax along with their explicitly exported names, as shown below. This is the most common way of importing named exports.

// index.js

import { toUpperCase } from './stringUtils';

toUpperCase('hello, world!');

Import All Exported Members

It is possible to import all named exports in one go using the * keyword along with an alias as shown below. Much like the default import syntax, this makes all named exports available on the supplied alias — stringUtils in this example.

// index.js

import * as stringUtils from './stringUtils';

stringUtils.toUpperCase('hello, world!');
stringUtils.toLowerCase('HELLO, WORLD!');

Named Imports Using An Alias

If you want to alter the name of a named export when importing, you can use the as keyword to provide an alias, which can be useful for shortening the name of any of the imported members.

// index.js

import {
    toUpperCase as toUpper,
    toLowerCase as toLower
} from './stringUtils';

stringUtils.toUpperCase('hello, world!');
stringUtils.toLowerCase('HELLO, WORLD!');

Combining Default Export With Named Exports

It is possible to export from a module using both a single default export, and as many named exports as you wish:

// stringUtils.js

export function toUpperCase(input) {
    return input ? input.toUpperCase() : input;

export default {
    toLowerCase: toLowerCase,

A mixture of the approaches covered previously can be used to import what you require from this type of module:

Import All Exports

Using the * keyword will import all exports, including default and named, and make them available on the alias provided. Notice the additional .default required to access the default exported member.

// index.js

import * as stringUtils from './stringUtils';

stringUtils.toUpperCase('hello, world!');
stringUtils.default.toLowerCase('HELLO, WORLD!');

Import Default and Named Exports

It is possible to import both the default and named exports from a module using different syntax, all within the same import statement. This can be useful for importing the default export as normal (stringUtils), whilst also selectively importing any named exports and optionally providing an alias for them. The example below hopefully showcases this a bit better:

// index.js

    { toUpperCase as toUpper }
from './stringUtils';

toUpper('hello, world!');
stringUtils.toLowerCase('HELLO, WORLD!');

Tree Shaking

Tree Shaking is a process of removing JavaScript code (and other ECMAScript languages) which is not used (aka “dead code”) in an effort to optimise the final bundle produced by a tool like Webpack — the less JavaScript code we can send over the network to the browser the better! Webpack has support for Tree Shaking, and has a helpful guide on how to get started.

Tree Shaking is possible using ES Modules because of its static structure, meaning the code can be analysed at compile time, determining what is being imported and exported in each module. This enables a dependency tree to be generated without even needing to run the code, and enabling a tool like Webpack to determine what code is not being used which can be excluded from the production-ready bundle. In contrast, CommonJS has a more dynamic structure, where dependencies are resolved only at run time rather than at compile time, which makes it unsuitable for Tree Shaking optimisation.

An Example - Lodash

A common misconception is that importing named functions from Lodash as shown below is a way to avoid the whole of the library being imported, which is notoriously large. But that alone is not enough, you have to also employ Tree Shaking.

import { isNil, groupBy, size } from 'lodash';

With the named imports above, it is clear that only these functions are needed from Lodash, and this is where Tree Shaking would come in. But it’s important to understand that without Tree Shaking as part of your build process, the entire library will still be included in your final bundle.

I have trivialised the process a bit here, and there’s more to it than “just enabling Tree Shaking”, so I encourage you to read more, but I felt it would be worth mentioning whilst on the topic of ES Modules.

Using ES Modules in the Browser without Bundling

The above has assumed that you are still using a module bundler like Webpack, because even though most modern browsers do now support the use of modules natively, there are still a few bumps in the road, mainly the network overhead involved; the browser will be making lots of HTTP calls to fetch all of the required module files, which will slow down the loading of a web page significantly, as network requests are typically the bottleneck for most applications.


Though the common approach for writing client JavaScript is using ES Modules along with a bundler, the future is looking promising for running modules natively in the browser, particularly due to the introduction of HTTP/2 — the first major upgrade to the original HTTP protocol in over 15 years. HTTP/2 brings some major improvements to the way internet traffic is handled, and one of the most significant changes is the introduction of multiplexing — the ability to request multiple resources (in this case, modules) from a server at the same time using a single TCP connection, rather than each one being requested individually and sequentially, as in HTTP/1.1.

I recommend reading up further on HTTP/2 and some of the other improvements it brings, and this Cloudflare page serves as a good introduction in my opinion.

Using ES Modules in Node

As of Node v13.9.0, ES Modules can be used natively for creating your modular server side JavaScript; prior to that version, this was an experimental feature which had to be explicitly enabled.

In order to use ES Modules in Node, files need to be saved with the .mjs extension and imported with the extension included, or more simply, you can specify { "type": "module" } in your package.json.

The adoption of ES Modules in Node is a promising sign towards having a more unified module experience across both the client and server in the not too distant future.


The final module format I will cover is AMD, which stands for Asynchronous Module Format, and was very popular in the early days of client-side JavaScript development as the way to write modular code. With AMD, each module can be loaded asynchronously — perfect for executing JavaScript in the browser for quicker page load times.

Unlike ES Modules which can be run natively in most modern browsers, a library must be used which implements the AMD API in order to use AMD modules. The most popular library for writing modules in this format is RequireJS.

AMD has largely been superseded by the use ES Modules as the de-facto way to write modular JavaScript for the browser, but it’s still worth covering off the main syntax. Though the AMD syntax looks very differing to working with CommonJS and ES Modules, the principles are exactly the same.

Declaring a Module

The reserved word define is used to create an AMD module, which is a function which takes a callback as a parameter. The callback function should be used setup the module, declaring functions and variables as necessary, and returning either an object, function or primitive type, which acts as the exported functionality.

Below is an example of a simple module which exports an object containing the two functions previously shown.

// stringUtils.js
define(function () {
    const toUpperCase = (input) => {
        return input ? input.toUpperCase() : input;

    const toLowerCase = (input) => {
        return input ? input.toLowerCase() : input;

    return {

Importing a Module

When declaring a module, dependencies can be imported by also supplying an array of strings as a parameter to define, before the callback function, as shown below. Each string should either correspond to a module using a relative path, or the name of a module from node_modules. Each dependency should additionally be added as a parameter to the callback function, which will take on the instance of the dependency once loaded.

// index.js

define(['./stringUtils'], function (stringUtils) {
    const greeting = 'Hello, world!';

    return stringUtils.toUpperCase(greeting);

As originally mentioned, AMD is asynchronous, meaning the callback function supplied to define will not execute until all dependencies have loaded and are ready to be used in the callback function.